Links and addresses of value to those interested in shamans and shamanismContact information for NicholasPersonalized answers to your questions on shamanismPublished and unpublished articles by Nicholas on aspects of shamanismVarious pieces of shamanic news informationCalendar of shamanic eventsDescriptions of some of Nicholas' shamanic healings, shamanic ceremonials, and shamanic classesAdditional biographical info on the shaman, Nicholas including comments from othersWhy Nicholas has chosen to bring these Ways of the shaman publicReturn to Nicholas Noble Wolf shamanism home page arrows

drumQuestions and Answers

If you have a question on shamanism in general or the Ways in particular, e-mail it to Nicholas at

He will post those of general interest here as well as responding directly back to you. Note that if he is traveling or in the back country, the response may take several weeks.

You may also be interested in our discussion site on shamanism hosted by Yahoo and moderated by us. For some more information.

Current Shamanism Related Subjects

Animal Helpers

Ceremonial Herbs

Shamanic Doctoring & Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Drum & Shamanic Drumming

Earth Changes

Elemental Spirits & Little People

Four (or more) Directions

Homosexuals / Two-Spirit Persons

Shamanic Initiation

Spiritual Medicine

Plant Spirit Helpers (Hallucinogenic Drugs)


Soul & Spirit


Vision Quest

Women's Issues

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Shamanism Discussion Site

The shamanism discussion site is an open (all people may participate) forum on Yahoo titled "Traditional Shamanism and Medicine Ways" ("Shamanic Ways" for short). You are invited to discuss and ask questions about shamanic and medicine (spiritual) ways from the perspective that all traditions are valid, and we can learn from each of them. We acknowledge that the predecessors and elders have passed on knowledge and wisdom that they suffered to acquire--knowledge that transcends the ages. Even though most people's lifestyle is very different from those who came before, that which they have passed on is timeless and can assist us in this day and age. Ask your questions about shamanism and medicine ways, and post your opinions and experiences on this site.

The terms shamanism and medicine ways are used "generically" and are not intended to reference any specific culture.

Compassion rules on the site. Spammers are given no warning.

You will need to join to be able to post messages on the site. However, as a guest, you may read the discussions. If you decide to join, we recommend that you select that your e-mail address is NOT made public. We also suggest that you sign up to have individual posts or a daily summary sent to you. Otherwise, you will probably lose track of discussions when it gets very busy.

Nicholas posts on the site as a regular course.

Go to Shamanic Ways.

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