Drum Journeys

Drumming is used for doctoring and ceremonial purposes as well as personal growth and assistance to an individual in maintaining their balance within the world. Some journeys that Nicholas offers are provided as stand-alone ceremonials. For example:

Sprit Horse Journey, A Shamanic Journey of Manifestation back of the sacred Horse. In this way, you send your spirit on a “search and recovery mission” for power (life-force) that has been lost into the depths of your soul due to life's emotional impacts. Utilizing your intent and prayer, you carry that recovered power into the celestial heavens where it empowers your prayer of manifestation into your life.

Included are ancient Tellings (mythological stories which impact the soul and unconscious) of relevance to this ceremony.

Women in their moon-time may attend this ceremony if they desire. They sit, honored, in a second circle and painted with red earth for their protection.

Journey to Gaia, A shamanic drum journey for healing, growth and knowledge – On the back of Horse spirit, you are carried through the fairie hole deep into the home where our Earth Mother resides. This being, who refers to herself as Gaia, admits you into her chambers. There she bestows upon you gifts in accordance with your humility, integrity and needs.

This is a very special opportunity to meet your Mother face-to-face

Women in their moon-time may attend this ceremony if they desire. They sit, honored, in a second circle and painted with red earth for their protection.

Finding Your Power Animal – On the back of Horse, you will be carried to a "gateway" into the realm where the spirit animals reside receiving opportunity to find and call forth your power animal or personal totem.

Women in their moon-time may attend this ceremony if they desire. They sit, honored, in a second circle and painted with red earth for their protection.

Journey to the Alternate Futures – This drum journey shifts your consciousness through the barriers of time for a look at alternate futures and provides insight into your options to create the future you embrace.

Women in their moon-time may attend this ceremony if they desire. They sit, honored, in a second circle and painted with red earth for their protection

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